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Turned On

the inner game

of being on your game



Bold, high-performance lifestyle  

for regenerative success, prolific creativity &

personal fulfilment


In 2018 I arrived in conviction with myself: 


I am not fucking around in this lifetime. I am here to play big, fulfill my desires, and create, perform, and positively impact at a high, ever-expanding level.

I am here to live my life TURNED ON.


I was 24, road tripping solo around the United States in my 2007 Toyota Camry, Wilhelmina, working remotely as a matchmaker for a national company. When I wasn’t conversing with aspiring lovers on the phone about their deepest desires, I was contemplating my own, stomping around gas stations and singing along to

country radio.


It was 5 months of head space, open road, & scouting my next move in life.


An audacious seed was beginning to swell inside of me:


What if…I started my own business?


A business that would support me in a lifestyle of freedom, deep connection, creative fulfillment, growth & contribution…as I supported others in doing the same?


There were other thoughts swarming around in the internal conversation too, of course: I was too young, I didn’t know dick about business, I didn’t have a masters degree, bla bla bla, the usual unoriginal drudgery. 


And, I also felt a knowing growing stronger and gaining momentum: 


With me on my own team, I can do, be and create anything. 


My mutterings to myself in the car were growing into full blown self pep talks,  I was cruising down the west coast with plans to stop in southern Oregon to visit a childhood friend of mine…


...when I received a phone call that this friend I was about to visit had died. 


Suddenly. In an unimaginably flukey coincidence of variables and circumstances. 


There it was looking me directly in the eye: the preciousness, the fleetingness,

and the sheer opportunity of life.


And the conviction landed in my bones: 


I am not fucking around in this lifetime. I am here to fulfill my own desires, to play big, create, perform, and positively impact at a high, ever-expanding level.

I’m here to live my life TURNED ON as I inspire others to do the same. 


I completed my road trip, returned to my belongings in New Orleans, quit my job, invested in a high level coach…


…moved across the country to Seattle, and grew the business and lifestyle I have today. 


It sounds simple enough. And I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell you that every step of the way, there was an internal parkour of elements to navigate:

thoughts, feelings, decisions, fears, learning curves, the courage to take action again and again, the audacity to believe in myself again and again.


…I’d like to say “the rest is history,” but that’s not really what it's been like to live it.


The rest is…practicing and refining a high-performance lifestyle for sustainable success, prolific creativity, and personal fulfillment…


…based on consistent personal practices, nervous system reconditioning, vitalizing my physiology, trusting my intuition, investing in mentorship, sharpening my capacity to process and transmute dense feelings, alchemizing chattery  of  “what if this doesn’t work” thoughts into “this is working” beliefs, mastering the regeneration of my energy reservoirs, working WITH the natures of motivation and inspiration, and living a personal life that nourishes my spirit.


In my experience, here’s what I know to be true: 


Going after what I want in life, playing a big game, creating, performing, and impacting at a prolific, high, ever-expanding level…


…grows in proportion to my inner game, my habits, practices, thoughts, and micro decisions and my ability to befriend my vulnerabilities.


In the Turned On approach, success is not measured by achievement and milestones in the quantitative realm alone, it is measured by NOURISHMENT...

and achievement is the byproduct!


In the United States especially, we are taught an outside-in model of success and relating to work and achievement. We are taught to chase external accolades, often at the expense of our wellbeing, with the promise that it will bring

happiness and wellbeing.


The game of outside-in leaves us feeling depleted, resentful, burnt out, not good enough, & like we’re constantly behind.


I created Turned On to introduce you to another way of relating to work and achievement...


...based on prioritizing well-being, based on work / life synergy, based on being acutely attuned to your own needs, based on the understanding that you channel the greatest brilliance, you show up with the most mastery...


…when your human self is nourished, rested, charged up, & TURNED ON.


This is the game and a practice of inside-out, win-wins, both/ands, and having it all.


This is a self-compassionate approach to the behind-the-scenes of what actually goes into going after what you want in life...


...wherein your external achievements and "outer game" are a byproduct of your relationship with yourself and your "inner game."



Your human self is nourished by your work and your work is nourished by you, and together you are an unstoppable force.


This is my approach to work and achievement that I have been refining and practicing over years, and I am so excited to draw back the curtain for you as you

turn yourself on!!!


I cannot wait to hear about what you create and what moves you make.

"Prior to this program I felt burned out and creatively depleted. There was many projects I had in flight but just lost steam very quickly and I constantly found myself without energy after doing with my day job.


After the program I feel more energized as I now allow every part of my being to be present instead of trying to squash the less positive parts. It's also given me the confidence and a better mindset to pursue my creative goals.


This program will shift your mindset in how you think about yourself and how you prioritize yourself. Cora will remind you to take care of yourself in a way that not many people can. Just go for it. Cora brings a unique perspective and energy to this material that is absolutely worth hearing."


- Turned On grad, Pittsburgh

Turn yourself on.


"6 weeks ago before signing up for this program I had just quit my job. I needed something to keep me in a positive direction in working towards what I want to work towards, and this program was so helpful for that. This program helped me treat myself better.


Learning to identify energy leaks was huge. I realize these are things I can actually target, be cognizant of, and do something about so I don’t have to keep feeling drained. That has been a huge point of growth. 


The other massive benefit I’ve gotten from this is starting to get my claws into this existential self doubt and imposter syndrome. Giving myself 'permission' to do things like start a blog, restarting my podcast, reaching out to people, having more of those kinds of conversations. 


Between setting boundaries, taking space for myself and giving myself permission to go DO the thing, having the tools from the program to do all of that has been huge."


- Turned On grad, Seattle

"Before Turned On, I was feeling burnt out all the time and always disappointed with myself. I was putting a lot on myself each day and then beating myself up for what I hadn’t done.


This program helped me focus on what I am doing well instead of what I’m not doing. That really helped a lot. I’ve been giving myself permission to do impulsive, fun things. For a long time I was living in this masochist energy and occasionally I’d have a day where I’d snap and go hedonist...and the extreme back and forth didn’t feel good. Either being hard on myself or rebelling.


This program helped me create a new approach where I get to ‘break the rules’ in the name of mental health and fun. It helped me bring everything together and prioritize what’s really important.


I feel so optimistic about the future...and more important about the present."


- Turned On grad, Seattle


Who are you at full charge?


Turned On is a digital course with 12 hours of trainings plus 6 recorded Q&A calls on high performance lifestyle for regenerative success, prolific creativity and personal fulfillment. 


These personal development trainings are interdisciplinary and wholistic. 


The teachings synthesize...


The psychology of happiness

Customized lifestyle design

Developing the courage habit of making big moves

Working with the nature of inspiration and creative process

Blueprints for sustainable self-motivation

Elevated self care practices to replenish your energy

Mindset mastery and belief conditioning

Physiology and nervous system conditioning


"This program came at an interesting time because a lot has been happening in my life. It catalyzed a lot of things for me. 


Being a feeler/empath - the second module I listened to twice.  It has been game-changing. I realized I can choose what emotions I want to consume.  


At the beginning of all this, my feelings felt like an action movie with guys all pointing guns at each other. Now it’s like the lord’s supper - we all have our own vibes, so we can break bread and eat together!


I have befriended all of these parts of myself. I want to go back to the modules and absorb them."


- Turned On grad, San Diego

"This was a truly transformative experience. Cora helped me identify parts of my life that just weren't working for my personality and my goals. I discovered I needed to really thrive and live a fulfilling life. She has this great way of balancing real talk with anecdotes and strategies that truly WORK. And the best part is that it's fun! 10 out of 10 would recommend!!!!


When I started the program I felt like I was having a full blown quarter life crisis. I was constantly exhausted all the time trying to hustle at work, terrible work-life boundaries, and just feeling completely lost and aimless.


Now, I've started my own business!!!! Something I've wanted to do forever! And I'm prioritizing my self care and FUN and really indulging in my life in a way I wasn't before.


I feel like my mindset has completely shifted. I think during the pandemic, I really forgot who the fuck I am. And this course really helped me find myself again.


During the program, I started a business, doing what I love! DIY and home design! BOOM. That's the biggest external win, but I think the even bigger wins were around my mindset (and these were the things that primed me to go after this dream). I learned that yes, I CAN have it all. I just needed to learn to prioritize the things that matter most and to design my life in a way that works best for me, not for my partner, not for my day job, or my family. For ME. 


And the biggest shift for me had to do with identifying energy leaks, not letting fear rule my decision making process, and approaching life with an abundance mindset.


Just do it. This is an investment in your future happiness, an investment in taking no shit, in owning your joy and settling for nothing less. These are LIFE skills. And they'll completely transform the way you move through the world."


- Turned On grad, Seattle

Turned On is for you if...


you have big vision and goals for 2022 and you feel you'd benefit from a library of tools, strategies, and motivation for bringing these visions to fruition and sustainably growing them


you're currently feeling burnt out and you're desiring a more nourishing, harmonious approach to work and achievement that accounts for humanness,

vulnerability and rest


you are starting or wanting to start a business or creative project and you're looking for some fuel and guidance to light the fire and stoke the flames


you're craving a pattern break and a reset in your life and work


you have creative outlets you're wanting to nourish and prioritize outside of your job and you're wanting to learn how to self-motivate to do so


you're currently in a life transition, you're wanting to understand yourself better, and you know that strengthening your emotional, mental and energetic mastery is exactly what you need right now


you're feeling intuitively pulled to take yourself through the Turned On teachings





"The thing I’m most proud of from this program is I’ve pursued music and creative things a lot more than I have before. I joined some singing groups and started taking lessons and am coming out of my shell in that way.  


In general, I am investing more time in myself. Creating my home space, taking a lot better care of myself.


There have been a lot of realizations I’ve had throughout the program. One of the biggest ones is being on my own team and allowing different aspects of myself to all exist simultaneously and be ok without criticizing each other." 


- Turned On grad, Portland 

"I want to celebrate documenting my wins during this program. I’ve been extremely busy at work, and having the end of the day ritual helped me realize I am accomplishing things and making progress moving forward...I am NOT completely stagnant here. 


This program also helped me identity the physical need my body has for sex and how not getting that has been creating a stuck energy and that has been bleeding into other areas of my life.  This is a huge eye opener, and now that I can identify it I can redirect my energy towards what the actual problem is. 


This has all created a lot of momentum in my life."


 - Turned On grad, Seattle 

"Turned On is one of those life changing experiences where you think before starting if you want to do it or not. But when you do it, it changes everything.


When I started this program I was working a lot, burning out and not having time and energy to do what I love. But after working with Cora, I learned my biggest energy leaks and how to charge myself back up. I learned that not every relationship has to be all in or nothing.


And most importantly, I learned how to be happy and content in life.


Two of my biggest wins are understanding the energy leaks I had and learning how to stop them, and how I don't have to wait for something to happen to be happy. I can be happy right now right here."


- Turned On grad, Los Angeles 


What You Receive


Upon purchase you receive immediate and lifetime access

to this self-study digital course with 24 hours of content. 


You receive...


12 training modules

6 Q&A call recordings

Lifetime Access to all the content and future updates



The Training Modules


1) The Emotional Foundation:

heightened emotional intelligence

for liberation, healthy relationships,

and personal mastery


2) The Energetic Foundation:

energetic fluency to identify and

clear energy leaks, charge energy,

and propel yourself towards your goals



3) The Physical Foundation:

leveraged physiology for stress relief, 

vitality, confidence, and longevity


4) Tapping into Purpose and Motivation:

the secrets to self-motivation,

intentionality, and happiness through

living and working on purpose


5) The Qualitative Factor, Enjoyment and Fun:

amplifying pleasure and 

injecting more enjoyment and fun

into your every day


6) The Social Factor:

understanding the social solar system,

alignment, reciprocity, influence,

boundaries, and connection


7) The Transcendent Factor, Creativity and Inspiration:

aligning with the true natures

of creativity and inspiration 

to receive your best ideas yet


8) The Multi-dimensional Factor, Harmonizing Your Avatars:

identifying and befriending your

multiple facets, harmonizing your different

aspects to operate as a team


9) Mindsets of Success and Happiness:

the essentials of positive psychology,

and conditioning your mind to win


10) The Fear and Overwhelm Factors:

reducing stress, understanding and befriending

the true natures of fear and overwhelm,

and how to go for it anyway


11) Relaxing into Rest and Rejuvenation:

resetting your system, charging your batteries,

and reorienting your priorities for maximum

impact alongside leisure


12) Playing the Long Game:

reframing setbacks, realigning and redirecting,

and sustaining an upward

trajectory over a lifetime


"Turned On was a great way to slow down, and focus on myself without guilt.


I’m definitely feeling more abundance and optimism in my life after the program.


The gratitude practice was a key takeaway (and emerging habit) for me. I have more clarity on what I want to work on next. 


This was like a self-care seminar for people who don’t like self care...turns out we all need it and it’s not hard! The program attracts people that want to be better. That inspiration is worth it just on its own."


- Turned On grad, Seattle 

"You want to make REAL changes? Buckle the fuck up, because going through an experience like this is a boot camp for baring your soul...It’s fucking brilliant.


This program was a fucking emotionally shaking breakthrough transition point for me. I was in a psychologically vulnerable point in life, overwhelmed and hemorrhaging energy in a myriad of subtle aspects of life. Some of these energy leaks had become painfully apparent already. Things needed to change.


I needed to get the fuck out of my own way.


Sometimes you just need an outside perspective to nudge you along. Cora created this amazing space of vulnerability and psychological safety. All the while, her incredible intuition for human energy, motive, desire, and unconscious fears opened us up in ways we’d been blind to before. I relished every moment of it. 


I’m eternally grateful for this collective energy we all built up together. It was so worth the leap of faith to sign up."


- Turned On grad, Seattle




The regular price of $1,222 is marked down to $666

for a limited time.


Upon your purchase below, you'll receive immediate and lifetime access to all 12 hours of trainings, all 6 Q&A calls recordings, and any future updates.


Want to plug into more of the Turned On vibes?

Listen to the pep talk We Are Not Fucking Around

on Pillow Talk Radio.



For pre enrollment questions about Turned On

DM @thecoraboyd on Instagram



For tech support and testimonial submissions, email



Ready to turn yourself on?


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