Cora Boyd Enterprises LLC
Terms & Conditions
T‬‬his Coaching and Confidentiality Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is entered into on (the “Effective Date”), by and between Cora Boyd Enterprises LLC (hereinafter referred to as the “Coach”) and (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”) (collectively referred to as the “Parties”).
Purpose of the Agreement
The purpose of this Agreement is to enter a coaching relationship between the Coach (Cora Boyd) and the Client, wherein the Coach will advise the Client and guide/support him/her/them in cultivating his/her/their personal goals and maximizing his/her/their personal potential.
The services to be provided are “Love Life Coaching and Consulting.” The Coaching and Consulting may extend to areas of life outside of dating, relationships, and love life.
Both Parties understand that coaching is a professional client/coach relationship designed to facilitate the creation, development, and achievement of personal goals.
Throughout the working relationship, the Coach will engage in direct and personal conversations with the Client. The Client can count on the Coach to be straightforward.
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the submission of payment from the Client. It shall remain in force through the duration of the current coaching relationship and will renew automatically for the duration of any future coaching commitment or program the Parties may enter into in the future.
Confidentiality & Privacy
Both Parties agree to keep the information shared within the coaching relationship private and confidential.
The Coach agrees to keep the working relationship confidential, unless otherwise explicitly stated by the Client through written permission. If the Coach wishes to request a formal testimonial from the Client, and the Client consents, the Client may choose whether he/she/they would like to give an anonymous testimonial or not.
The Coach and Client agree that the Coach may use screenshots of wins and testimonial statements to share on social media and online, and that the Coach will conceal the name, identity, and any personally identifying details of/about the Client in these shares, unless otherwise given express permission by the Client.
In the case of group programs, all Parties and other participating constituents agree to protect the privacy of all other members of the program, and acknowledge that anything shared within the coaching calls is private.
All Parties agree not to share recorded videos or written content from the course with anyone outside of the course.
All Parties acknowledge that the only people who will have access to coaching call recordings are the Coach, the Client, any other members of the group program, and team members of Team Cora Boyd.
Intellectual Property
Hereby, the Client agrees that any intellectual property provided to him/her/them by the Coach or the Coach’s company will remain the sole property of the Coach, including, but not limited to, copyrights, patents, trade secret rights, and other intellectual property rights associated with any ideas, concepts, techniques, inventions, processes, works of authorship, confidential information or trade secrets. Disclosing any information beyond the scope of this Agreement is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Coach.
If the Client wishes to share about his/her/their experience with or insights from the Coaching relationship, he/she/they may do so so long as what he/she/they share is about his/her/their own personal insights and/or experience with/from the Coach’s teachings (not the Coach’s teachings themselves), and so long as he/she/they directly reference/s the Coach and her work, and tag/s the Coach on social media mentions at @thecoraboyd.
Code of Conduct
Both Parties agree to uphold respectful conduct towards each other, any other clients, and any members of Team Cora Boyd throughout the duration of the coaching relationship.
Both Parties agree to speak to each other with respectful language and to respect all personal and professional boundaries set forth. The Client agrees not to seek coaching or advice from the Coach outside of the parameters of the coaching Agreement and/or term of the coaching relationship.
In the context of a group program, the Client agrees to contribute to and participate in a culture of shared respect and safety. The Client agrees to speak and engage respectfully with any other members of the group as well as any members of Team Cora Boyd. The Client acknowledges that no bullying or discriminatory behavior or language of any fashion will be tolerated.
The Client agrees that any and all communications with the Coach will be conducted while sober.
Any violations of the Code of Conduct or behavior that the Coach deems to be inappropriate, will result in immediate intervention from the Coach and/or Team Cora Boyd, and may result in the Client being asked to refrain from participating in any remaining sessions.
The Parties agree that this Agreement is not an exclusive arrangement and that the Coach is entitled to enter into other similar agreements with other Clients, and the Client is entitled to enter into other similar agreements with other Coaches.
Limitations of Liability
In no event shall the Coach be liable for any damages for any indirect, consequential or special damages.
The Coach, hereby, makes no guarantees, representations or warranties of any kind or nature, express or implied, with respect to the Coaching services negotiated, agreed upon and rendered.
The Client understands that he/she/they are solely responsible for his/her/their own results, and that the power of the coaching process can only be granted by the Client and how much effort he/she/they put/s into the process. The Coach agrees to be direct, honest, and to show up to the best of her ability for the Client within the parameters of the coaching relationship.
If the Client believes that the coaching relationship is not working as desired, the Client will immediately communicate that to the Coach, or to Team Cora Boyd, and all Parties will take action to remedy the situation.
Mental Health & Safety
The Client agrees that if he/she/they have any mental illness, he/she/they has/have consulted with his/her/their healthcare professional and been advised that he/she/they may participate in the coaching process without any risk.
The Client agrees that if he/she/they is/are experiencing any clinically significant depression and/or anxiety or has any sort of clinically significant history of depression, anxiety and/or mental illness, that they will inform the Coach or Team Cora Boyd so that the Coach can understand the full scope of the Client’s needs and circumstances.
The Client agrees that if he/she/they is/are experiencing any clinically significant depression and/or anxiety while engaging in the coaching relationship, that he/she/they is/are concurrently consulting with a mental health professional.
The Client understands that while the coaching experience is healing and therapeutic in nature, it is not therapy, and that although the Coach is knowledgeable in the realm of mental health and is trauma-informed, she is not a mental health professional.
If it appears that the Client needs support and/or counsel outside of the Coach’s scope of practice, the Client can count on the Coach to let him/her/them know.
The Client agrees that if there is any change in mental health representation, he/she/they will promptly advise the Coach or Team Cora Boyd.
Cancellation Policy
In the event that a private session needs to be rescheduled, both parties agree upon a 24 hour notification. Failure to give a minimum of 24 hours notice on the Client’s end will result in full payment of the scheduled session. Failure to give a minimum of 24 hours notice on the Coach’s end will result in a complimentary session for the Client, which will be added to the coaching commitment.
Both parties agree that sessions will start on time. The Coach will grant the Client a 10 minute grace period before leaving, and the session will end at the pre-agreed upon time. In the event that the Client arrives more than 10 minutes late, the session will be forfeited and is subject to full payment.
In the event that the Client cannot make a scheduled group session, he/she/they may submit a written question to Team Cora Boyd at least 24 hours prior to the session, and he/she/they will receive a recording of the session.
Payment for Services
The Client will pay the Coach upfront for the selected service/s.
In the event of a payment plan, the Client agrees to pay on time (within 24 hours of receiving the invoice), and understands that failure to pay will result in a freeze of the coaching services, and may result in legal action.
Refund Policy
Both Parties acknowledge that all payments are final and that there are no refunds.
In the event that the Client wishes to exit the coaching relationship before the completion of the coaching commitment, he/she/they are entitled to do so, and the Client understands that he/she/they will still be responsible for any remaining balance.
In the event that the Client violates the agreed upon Code of Conduct and is asked not to attend the remaining live coaching sessions, he/she/they will not be granted a refund, but he/she/they will still be granted any agreed-upon access to any recorded content they have paid for within the coaching commitment.
In the event that any provision of this Agreement is found to be void or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, then the remaining provisions will remain in force in accordance with the Parties’ intention.
Governing Law
This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States of America and Washington State.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Any dispute or difference whatsoever arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to arbitration/mediation/negotiation in accordance with, and subject to the law of the United States of America and Washington State.
Attorney Fees
In the event of any dispute between the Parties concerning the terms and provisions of this Agreement, the Party prevailing shall be entitled to collection from the other Party all costs incurred in such dispute, including reasonable attorneys fees.
Entire Agreement
This Agreement contains the entire understanding among the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, and conditions, express or implied, oral or written, of any nature whatsoever with respect to the subject matter hereof. The express terms hereof control and supersede any course of performance and/or usage of the trade inconsistent with any of the terms hereof.
The Parties agree that any amendments made to this Agreement will be in writing, where they may be signed by both Parties to this Agreement.
As such, any amendments made by the Parties will be applied to this Agreement.