the self led pathway
Your ultimate love and connection library.
Upgrade your relationships, and your romantic confidence, on your own time.
The self led pathway of Magnetics Love School grants you rental access to 9 comprehensive classes & courses to transform your love life.
Valued at over $7,000 if purchased separately, the library is yours to explore for a monthly rental fee of $397. Exit anytime with 30 days written notice to team@thecoraboyd.com.
As a bonus, for every 8 weeks that your membership is active, you activate 1 credit to join a live mastermind call for real time coaching.
What's included in the library:

Exclusively available inside of Magnetics Love School, The Love Life Accelerator leads you through a comprehensive and sequential understanding of how to initiate, attract, build, and sustain a healthy relationship. Comprised of 15 audio modules, The Love Life accelerator takes you on a journey of the heart that will expand how you understand connection, upgrade your relational skills and confidence, and prepare you for a lifetime of fulfilling relationships.

Enter the best-selling Flirting School, learn to position yourself as a prime romantic prospect in the eyes of your crush, and master the art of creating attraction through the skill of flirting. 8 module course. Check out details here.

Just because you've grown up, doesn't mean your social life has to stop growing. Social Sphere is designed to help you expand your circle, fortify friendships, and foster a sense of belonging in adulthood. Through this 9 module program, you'll learn strategies to build, sustain, and evolve meaningful friendships, ensuring that your social life thrives, regardless of age. Check out details here.

Learn to tap into a limitless supply of romantic leads by becoming an effective and charming social initiator. Inside The Approach (designed for men), you will overcome the fear of rejection that keeps you stuck, and catalyze possibility with whomever you want by mastering the effective, easy, and high-value way to meet women in person and ask them out. 7 modules. Check out details here.

Casually dating multiple people can be stressful, dramatic, and devoid of feeling. Or, it can be fun, mutually uplifting, meaningful, and energizing. In this 2 hour training, you will come to understand the energetics, logistics, and best practices for navigating casual, circular dating and hooking up with integrity, zest, confidence, and satisfaction. Check out details here.

Designed for women who want to meet respectful, chivalrous men in-person - a guy won't approach you unless...you're approachable. Learn to open your energy, behaviors, and body language to invite wanted attention, and confidently bolster your boundaries to gracefully redirect unwanted attention. In this 2 hour training, learn to become receptive and magnetic to spontaneous acts of chivalry. Check out details here.

Why can attraction fizzle out in longterm relationships? Inside this 2 hour training, learn how to continue stoking the spark of attraction with your partner to keep the flame alive in longterm committed partnerships. Check out details here.

Isn't it frustrating when romantic history keep repeating itself? Whether you keep finding yourself attraction the same kind of person in a different font, you continuously find yourself playing out dynamics you wish to outgrow, or you can't seem to shake the allure of the unavailable person (despite consciously really wanting a partner), in Romance Rewired, you will come to understand the root of common dysfunctional attraction patterns, and the sequence you can follow you reset your point of attraction, shift your behaviors, and step into a much more fruitful and fulfilling romantic reatlity. Taught in 2 modules. Check out details here.

A girls' guide to functional, fulfilling, high-attraction relationships with men. Heal your relationship with men, learn to identify healthy masculinity, and learn to communicate with the men in your life through their love language. Check out details here.
Step into your romantic & social upgrade.
start exploring the magnetics love school library today.
No minimum commitment; you can exit anytime with 30 days written notice to team@thecoraboyd.com.
Example: If your subscription renews on the 15th and you send notice on the 25th, your next payment on the 15th of the following month will process, and you will maintain access until the 25th of that month. If you submit your request on or just before the 15th, that will be your final payment, and you will retain access for 30 more days from your written notice date.
By submitting your payment, you acknowledge and agree to the cancellation policy and Terms and Conditions set forth by Cora Boyd Enterprises LLC. (https://www.thecoraboyd.com/terms-conditions)
Got questions about enrollment? Email team@thecoraboyd.com.